Covid-19 – How does social distancing work in a lift?
Keeping your distance is the order of the day. But sometimes it’s not so simple. Lift management company HUNDT CONSULT has investigated whether and how social distancing works in a lift.
HUNDT CONSULT looks after more than 42,000 lift systems and has calculated the average size of a lift: it’s just 2.03 square metres. It is theoretically possible to maintain the minimum distance with two people; just getting in and out might be difficult. Therefore, wearing a mask is recommended – or taking the stairs, where possible.
Furthermore, there are technical options to minimise the risk of infection when using lifts. The contactless use of lifts is technically possible using an app. Even operation using your feet with special pedals and buttons is possible. “We do not consider off-the-shelf solutions to be constructive in terms of the different types of property and uses”, explains Tim Gunold, managing partner of HUNDT CONSULT GmbH. “Instead, we always assess the individual situation of the lift systems, including property situation. We compare the respective findings with the asset management strategy to derive economically sustainable alternatives and recommendations for action. The solutions will also always include a technical and organisational part. This is because, based on our knowledge, the equalisation of lift use is also promising.