Reports for systems requiring inspection
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Do you meet the requirements of ProdSG, ÜAnlG and BetrSichV? With us, you will.
According to the Product Safety Act (Produktsicherheitsgesetz, ProdSG), lifts are among the types of systems that require inspection. Their inspection basis is regulated by the Act on Systems Requiring Monitoring (Gesetz über überwachungsbedürftige Anlagen, ÜAnlG) and the Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health (Betriebssicherheitsverordnung, BetrSichV). Like every law, they are occasionally changed, updated and even tightened.
We conduct the necessary checks for you
so you can rest assured that your systems meet even the strictest legal requirements.
On request, we will also determine opportunities for technical and economical optimisation – for individual lifts and escalators, or for larger systems and ensembles.

Hazard assessment
We create the necessary hazard assessments in accordance with current laws and regulations for operating lift systems. Where necessary, we record deviations from state-of-the-art technology and make recommendations on how to resolve these deviations. Budgeting and scheduling will show you the costs and deadlines for implementing these measures.
Technical status report
Information from our technical status report goes above and beyond a hazard assessment: it provides all relevant technical and economic data regarding your lift systems. With this solution, you always know exactly what condition your lift systems are in. And you know which measures will keep your systems running smoothly. Here, too, you receive budget planning that we discuss with you in detail.

Maintenance checks
With irregular maintenance, expect regular problems. We are happy to check for you whether and how the contractually agreed services were conducted.
ESG checks
ESG criteria (environment, social and governance) are at the top of everyone’s mind. Indeed, they are increasingly becoming the standard for the operation of escalators and lift systems.
Learn how we review your systems in light of ESG at your request.

Energy efficiency certificate
We measure the energy consumption of your lift systems and provide you with a detailed overview of their energy efficiency. We then determine the specific energy demand value and classify your lift systems in accordance with the energy efficiency classes from A to G of Guideline VDI 4707. You learn where your systems stand regarding energy efficiency – and where energy could be saved. Our experts identify potential energy weak points and advise you as needed to plan targeted measures to improve energy efficiency.

Comprehensive services
We cover all aspects of building transport systems
Our services cover the whole life cycle of lifts and escalators of every kind.